Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong

This is the second book I have read by Kelley Armstrong. The first being "The Summoning". This book had rave reviews from lots of friends so when I saw it at the library I snatched it up. My library is always running out of books in this genre so when I see something I want to read I grab it. Because if not and I come back chances are I'm SOL.

This book was ok. It wasn't awful but it wasn't great. And it wasn't a book I couldn't put down. Because I did put it down and didn't read for a few days at a time. I guess it just didn't hold my interest as some other books. It wasn't bad. The ending was the best with all the action and excitement. The beginning was a lot of guessing (at least for me) as to what you thought was going to happen. You could kind of figure out where the story was going but until they actually said you weren't sure. The ending leaves you knowing that there will be at least another book if not more. She has to finish telling the story and one book wasn't enough. Will I read the next book? Probably. I can't start a series and not finish. But I won't spend my money on it. I will borrow from a friend or go to the library. I'm hoping I am wrong and that the next books are so awesome that I can't put them down and I run out and buy them.

I rated this book 3 stars.

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